The 3T Career Blog

Don’t let fear hold you back from your best version of yourself

career success Jul 09, 2021
What keeps us from responding to a question that we know the answer to?
What keeps us from making the decision that we know is right for us?
What keeps us from moving forward to the next level of our life?
The answer is, FEAR
We as humans are conditioned to assess our risks and play them safe, hence our ability to survive for thousands of years. #survival instincts
However, reaching the next level of our life and staying within our fear boundaries don’t go together.
Yes, make the assessment and understand your risk tolerances, but also trust your gut feelings.
Take the chance of shouting out the answer to the question, if you are wrong, you are wrong! Not a big deal
If your gut is telling you that your decision is the right one, go for it! Don’t hold back. Trust yourself.
Don’t let fear hold you back from your best version of yourself and possibly the best life you can live.
#cross the #boundaries of fear.